Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Things That I Like

In no particular order, these are things that I enjoy:
  • That washing powder/sunlight smell that your clothes and sheets have after the washing/drying process.
  • Walking places.
  • Thinking about situations that never eventuate but are pleasant to think about.
  • The fact that I do not listen to heinous music.
  • Dancing when there is noone else in the house (and not just a wee jig, I'm talking full blown intense dance shocking that if you ever caught me doing such things I would mentally wish myself to death).
  • Life through a lense; taking snaps of people when they aren't looking and are acting natural. No posers, puh-lease.
  • Studying people, their movements and expressions
  • Crazy questions off little kids when I'm teaching. For example, "Miss Kent, why don't snakes have legs?"
  • Biking with my ladies.
  • Drinking red wine with good company.
  • Hair and head ornaments. This means bows, head scarves, head bands, feathers, flowers etc. The possibilities are endless really.
  • My Thursday morning coffee which is made by a complete babe (he pours it into a love heart EVERYTIME *swoon*).
  • Living the uni dream.
  • That moment in time when you're at a gig and you finally get over the "everyone-is-so-staring-at-me-right-now-I-bet-I-look-like-a-weirdo-tapping-my-foot" phase.
  • The country side somewhere in between Yass and Jugiong (especially in the Spring time) when the hills are unnaturally green and the sky is a perfect cloud free hue of blue.
  • Laughing at silly things until I hurt.
  • Dinner dates. Actually, any form of dates.
  • Tights with no holes in them.
Uhm, thats all I can think of for now.

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